Sunday 16 January 2011

Lyme Park 16th January

Lyme Park

Well the forecast was not good, but nevertheless some of the group turned out to join Jack and Vince on their walks.
6 people were on the shorter walk inside Lyme Park, taking in a very crowded tea shop - just why do people go to the park on such a wet day?
A further 7 of us set off with Jack to walk around the outside of Lyme Park. It was not too bad at first, dull but not raining. As we climbed up towards Bowstones it was getting windier so we climbed a couple of ladder stiles to find a fairly sheltered spot to have our morning tea break, during which Jack made a terrifying discovery - he had picked up Lesley's lunch and she was not going to be pleased to find the pepper on her tomato! Not only that - Lesley had his cheese.
Still no rain - could the forecast be wrong?
As we prepared to set off to resume the walk up to Bowstones we noted that Pete H seems to have picked up a couple of bad habits from his wife!
Not only was he without a rucksack, he also left us at that point to return home - the photo shows him making his escape. This was most unlike him - usually his smile becomes broader as the weather gets wetter. Or could it be that it was not muddy enough for him? No, his excuse was that a chicken casserole awaited him at home.
The new member left at the same time as she needed to be back earlier than we planned to finish (but she paid her subs but first so I don't think it was anything we said!)
So the 5 of us continued - the weather became wet and windy and overtrousers were donned. But it was bracing!
After a while the rain stopped and Jack suggested a lunch stop but Howard said he knew of a better place a bit further on so we continued. As we were eating it started to rain again - even heavier this time. Lesley sent a text to report that she had discovered the butty mix-up. While trying to text a grovelling apology, Jack drowned his mobile phone and has since had to buy a new one (I am a bit suspicious of this however as I remember a few years ago Geoff "dropped" our lawn mower into the pond and I had to let him buy a new one)
Jack then asked whether we minded cutting the walk short - he was not deafened by cries of  "no we're not wet enough yet", so at West Gate we turned to return directly to the cars (note that we waited until we were at the furthest point from the cars before doing so). At this point Howard departed to walk home so we were down to 4.
We trudged through the rain and just as we entered the park a car drew up and Joan and Vince offered to drive us back to the cars. Joan insisted that she would not take no for an answer so Geoff and I gratefully climbed in just as the other car arrived to take Jack and Jill. Yippee!!
There are only two photos - click here to see them 
 (Geoff's camera needed to be dried out overnight, but thankfully he does not need to buy a new one)
Thanks Jack - I actually enjoyed that walk, but it was great to get home. I just need to go upstairs and repack the rucksacks now that they have dried out.